Thursday, September 23, 2010

What You Should NEVER Do in a Drive-Through

In the following video, you will witness real life idiocy at its best. It is some times entertaining, sometimes appaling, and all the time something you should NEVER DO while engaging in drive-through dining activities. However, all of these things have in fact happened and continue to happen all over the world. So, if you are one of these people described in the following video, you should be ashamed of yourself. What would your mother say? lol....

Welcome to Pamela's World

Welcome to my blog. Yes, I know, how original? ha ha ha...In an attempt to cultivate a more tech-savy way of life, I have decided to start my very own web-blog/blog-blog. All of my videos will also be posted on as well for those of you who just don't have the time for a visit to my new home :)

Now, you probably want to know, what is this girl I have never heard of before going to post about. Well...the plan is to blog about everything: life's strange occurences that you may never have thought to think about before like the dos and don't of drive-through decorum or at home tattoo fading kits just to name a couple. The world is full of entertaining, crazy, questionable, and dare I say morally ambiguous individuals who just make life all the more interesting. Stay tuned.....more is to come :)